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AUEB Stats Webinar 8/10/2020:  On the signature of coherent reliability systems: advances and applications by I. Triantafyllou Forumgrstats

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AUEB Stats Webinar 8/10/2020:  On the signature of coherent reliability systems: advances and applications by I. Triantafyllou Forumgrstats
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AUEB Stats Webinar 8/10/2020:  On the signature of coherent reliability systems: advances and applications by I. Triantafyllou Empty AUEB Stats Webinar 8/10/2020: On the signature of coherent reliability systems: advances and applications by I. Triantafyllou

Thu 1 Oct 2020 - 12:13

AUEB Stats Webinar 8/10/2020:  On the signature of coherent reliability systems: advances and applications by I. Triantafyllou 2021_a10

Ιωάννης Τριανταφύλλου
Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Πληροφορικής με εφαρμογές στη Βιοϊατρική, Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας

On the signature of coherent reliability systems: advances and applications

ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 8/10/2020

Σύνδεσμος Google Meeting: meet.google.com/nkw-fcfe-zvx


In the present work, we study the signature of reliability coherent structures consisting of n components. In brief, the signature of such a system is an n-dimensional probability vector corresponding to the distribution of the index of the ordered component failure time which results in system’s failure. After touching upon the basic concepts of structural Reliability, we shed some light on how the signature vector is strongly related to several well-known performance characteristics of coherent systems. In addition, we present a generating function approach for calculating the coordinates of the signature vector, while the more general results are implemented for well-known consecutive-type structures. It is also of noticeable interest to substantiate how the computation of signatures can lead to the foundation of stochastic relationships between reliability structures. Moreover, the preservation of wellknown aging properties under the formation of coherent systems is investigated by the aid of their signatures. Finally, we illustrate how the signature vector can facilitate the reformulation of discrete optimization problems in the area of Reliability Economics, providing a mechanism which can make the analytical treatment of these problems feasible.

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