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ATHENS Pr OBABILITY COLLOQUIUM 2023 - Saturday March 4, 2023 Forumgrstats

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ATHENS Pr OBABILITY COLLOQUIUM 2023 - Saturday March 4, 2023 Forumgrstats
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ATHENS Pr OBABILITY COLLOQUIUM 2023 - Saturday March 4, 2023 Empty ATHENS Pr OBABILITY COLLOQUIUM 2023 - Saturday March 4, 2023

Mon 27 Feb 2023 - 20:07

Saturday March 4, 2023
School of Philosophy, University of Athens

Following the previous seven AProC meetings we are again organizing this year’s one-day event, centered around three top-quality talks in probability and its interface with other active areas of current research activity. The main aim is to bring together all near-Athens-based researchers in probability and related areas of mathematics and applications.

*** All interested faculty, post-docs and students are welcome and encouraged to attend ***

The talks are intended for a general (math/stat) audience and will be accessible to students without particular expertise in the specific areas of the topics discussed. Also, there will be ample time for free interaction and discussion among the participants.
On Saturday, March 4, 2023

11:10-12:10 Nicos Georgiou (U of Sussex)
The Tree-TASEP
13:00-14:00 Claudio Landim (IMPA)
Metastable Markov Chains
15:30-16:30 George Deligiannidis (U of Oxford)
Quantitative Uniform Stability of the Iterative Proportional Fitting Procedure

There is NO registration fee and everyone interested is welcome to participate. But we ask, for planning purposes, that you please let us know that you plan to attend by completing the RSVP form or by email to one of the organizers: Dimitris Cheliotis (ΕΚΠΑ) Lampros Gavalakis (U Gustave Eiffel) Ioannis Kontoyiannis (U of Cambridge) Michalis Loulakis (ΕΜΠ)
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