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(20101002) Two day symposium in honour of Steve Lagakos, Athens - Greece Forumgrstats

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(20101002) Two day symposium in honour of Steve Lagakos, Athens - Greece Forumgrstats
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(20101002) Two day symposium in honour of Steve Lagakos, Athens - Greece Empty (20101002) Two day symposium in honour of Steve Lagakos, Athens - Greece

Thu 2 Sep 2010 - 23:46
Frontier Science Foundation Hellas and the Postgraduate Program in Biostatistics of University of Athens, jointly organize a two-day symposium in honour of Steve Lagakos entitled

"Impact of Biostatistical Science - Advances in Research: AIDS, Cancer, and Environment.”

The symposium will be held in Athens Royal Olympic Hotel, 2-3 October 2010.

The program of the Symposium will cover some of the most challenging subjects of Biostatistical Science.

Lectures will be given on original contributions in the field, by Harvard University Professors, internationally acclaimed Scientists and close partners of Steve.

The symposium is oriented to scientists working in the areas of biostatistics and epidemiology, post-graduate students in Statistics and Biostatistics and medical doctors interested in clinical trials.

The program of the symposium can be downloaded from http://www.frontier-science.gr/Lagakos_symposium.html

Attendance is free but due to limited space registration in advance is required.

The registration form can be found at http://www.frontier-science.gr/Registration.html

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