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Sports Statistician in UK Forumgrstats
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Sports Statistician in UK Empty Sports Statistician in UK

Tue 2 Nov 2010 - 17:24
We require a sports statistician to develop statistical models for a pioneering sports betting

Buzz Sports is a young, vibrant and well funded Sports Entertainment company located in the
heart of Headingley close to Leeds city centre.

The ideal candidate will combine a keen interest for sports with an innovative and
comprehensive approach to statistical analysis and odds compilation across a variety of
popular sports and novel betting markets.

The successful candidate will work in a dedicated team of statisticians and analysts
that develop and rigorously test sports betting models whilst continuing to monitor and
continually improve the performance of existing models. You will be working closely
with trading, product development and technical teams and reporting directly to the Senior

Essential skills and experience required by candidate:

- Masters qualification in statistics / statistical mathematics or econometrics from a
leading university. We will consider an outstanding higher education portfolio.

- Experience in developing and implementing statistical models for either the financial
or betting industries

- Experience of data manipulation and analysis in excel

- Knowledge and experience of using statistical programmes such as Stata, R and

- Enthusiasm, self motivation and the ability to work under pressure and adhere to strict

- Proven problem solving skills

An interest and understanding of sports, betting and the bookmaking industry would be

Please contact jobs@buzzsports.com
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