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MSc/PGDiploma in Statistics with Applications in Medicine University of Southampton, UK Forumgrstats
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MSc/PGDiploma in Statistics with Applications in Medicine University of Southampton, UK Empty MSc/PGDiploma in Statistics with Applications in Medicine University of Southampton, UK

Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 13:59
MSc/PGDiploma in Statistics with Applications in Medicine
University of Southampton, UK

This successful programme has been running for over 25 years. It is usually taken as a one-year full-time course, though a part-time version is available. Students on the programme normally have an honours degree (First or Upper Second) with a strong element of mathematics/statistics. Candidates with other backgrounds will also be considered.

The MSc comprises two semesters of taught modules and a dissertation over the summer. There are some compulsory modules and a selection of options. Examples are:

Design of experiments
Generalised linear models
Statistical computing
Survival analysis
Clinical trials and bioassay
Statistical genetics
Epidemiological methods
Multilevel modelling.

There is also a module on Research Skills (including Statistical Consulting) and there is a regular seminar programme in which statisticians (often our graduates) visit from the pharmaceutical industry and medical research organisations to discuss the type of work they do and career prospects. Many of our students take up careers in these areas when they graduate.

Many students choose projects for their dissertations that have been offered by organisations such as GSK, Pfizer, Novartis, NHS Blood and Transplant, the UK Renal Registry and the University's Medical School.

The University has one of the largest groups of research statisticians in the UK and an excellent record in teaching and research. The computing facilities are excellent and there are good travel links to and from Southampton.

More details about the programme are available at our web site


Potential applicants should contact the admissions tutor for the programme as soon as possible:

Professor Wei Liu
School of Mathematics
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ

Email: W.Liu@maths.soton.ac.uk
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