Λέσχη Φίλων Στατιστικής - GrStats forum
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Λέσχη Φίλων Στατιστικής - GrStats forum
About the GRSTATS FORUM Forumgrstats
Λέσχη Φίλων Στατιστικής - GrStats forum
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Για προβλήματα εγγραφής και άλλες πληροφορίες επικοινωνήστε με : grstats.forum@gmail.com ή grstats@stat-athens.aueb.gr

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Posts : 967
Join date : 2009-10-21


Tue 10 Nov 2009 - 18:13
GRSTATS announce Grstats forum https://grstats.forumotion.net/

The forum is created and organized by Kostas Pateras after my suggestion. And the next day the forum was ready working in short circle of friends and now announced to all grstaters. Administrators of the list will be myself (ntzoufras@aueb.gr) and Kostas (kostas.pateras@gmail.com)

The forum will work on parallel with the GRSTATS web-page and list. This means that you should separately register to the forum in order to be able to post messages and being able to use the utilities of the forum. This means that you can register to the forum but not in the email list and vice versa. Also some messages may be available only by the forum or the web-page since in the first one all member can post some details.

Registration is easy since you sign your details and then you receive an activation email (hence a working email is important). Any problems or queries can be send to grstats.forum@gmail.com or grstats@stat-athens.aueb.gr .

Enjoy the forum and use it productively without insulting other people.
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