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(20120917) SHORT COURSE: Dependence modeling using multivariate copulas with applications 17-18 Sep 2012 Forumgrstats

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(20120917) SHORT COURSE: Dependence modeling using multivariate copulas with applications 17-18 Sep 2012 Forumgrstats
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(20120917) SHORT COURSE: Dependence modeling using multivariate copulas with applications 17-18 Sep 2012 Empty (20120917) SHORT COURSE: Dependence modeling using multivariate copulas with applications 17-18 Sep 2012

Tue 28 Aug 2012 - 13:18

Dependence modeling using multivariate copulas with applications

Multivariate data abound in many applications including insurance, risk management, finance, biology, health and environmental sciences. Copulas are a currently popular way to model multivariate data as they account for the dependence structure and provide a flexible representation of the multivariate distribution. They allow for flexible dependence modelling, different from assuming simple linear correlation structures and normality, which makes them particularly well suited to many applications in finance, insurance and medicine, among others.
Course objectives

This 2-day short course:

Introduces and develops the theoretical aspects of dependence modeling with copulas both for continuous and discrete multivariate data.
Presents real-data applications of multivariate copulas describing features of existing copula software.
Presents the latest developments both in theory and practice.

Target Audience

The course is intended for actuarial practitioners, risk professionals, consultants and academics.

Course outcomes

After the course, the participants will have a firm knowledge on the theory of copulas and the use of copulas for dependence modelling in finance, actuarial science and medicine. The course is worth 10 CPD hours.
Course Leader

Dr. Aristidis K. Nikoloulopoulos has worked extensively with copula dependence modelling for discrete data with applications in biostatistics and his research has also included work on copula dependence modelling for continuous data with applications in finance, and environmental studies. His work on copulas has appeared in some of the most prestigious journals in Statistics and he has been invited speaker to numerous international and major conferences, workshops, and seminars all over the world. He has also been invited to give copula courses in other international institutions such as the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Course Programme


Course delivery

Dates: 17-18 September, 2012
Cost: £575 + VAT
Venue: UEA London
There is a 10% discount for UEA alumni, 30% discount for academics and 50% discount for postgraduate students.

This includes course materials, refreshments and lunch.


You can register your interest for this course online, or by returning a completed booking form, or by phone on 01603 591578.
More Information

We can also deliver this course at an employer's premises and would be happy to discuss details of this and any customisation.

For more information on the courses and services we can offer please contact:

Sue Johnson
Centre for Professional Development
University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park

Tel: +44 (0) 1603 591578
Fax: +44 (0) 1603 591550
Email: professionaldevelopment@uea.ac.uk

Course link: http://www.uea.ac.uk/cmp/short-courses/dependence-modeling-using-multivariate-copulas-with-applications

Course schedule: http://www.uea.ac.uk/cmp/short-courses/dependence-modeling-using-multivariate-copulas-programme
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