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PhD position in biostatistics in Utrecht, the Netherlands Forumgrstats
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PhD position in biostatistics in Utrecht, the Netherlands Empty PhD position in biostatistics in Utrecht, the Netherlands

Tue 13 Aug 2013 - 12:37
Researcher Biostatistics for PhD project Clinical Trials m/v

Vacancy number

Department of
Biostatistics and Research Support

You obtained an academic degree (Msc level) in a quantitative discipline with a strong basis in statistics and mathematics. You are motivated by methodological research that impacts how new drugs are developed. Experience in clinical trials and clinical trial design would be a definitive advantage. Successful candidates have strong communication skills and are able to work well independently as well as in multidisciplinary (international) teams.

The department of Biostatistics and Research Support aims to research, develop, apply, teach, advise on and support statistical methodology for design and data analysis in biomedical and biological research. It combines the benefits of an academic setting with extensive experience in applying its expertise to a great variety of biosciences research. Research focus is on design and analysis of clinical research, including sequential design, on causal inference and statistical prediction and on classification for high dimensional and complex data.

The PhD research position is embedded within the international Asterix project granted by the European Commission and will be situated at the department of Biostatistics and Research Support at the Julius Center in Utrecht, The Netherlands. The focus of the project is on developing statistical methodology for design and analysis of clinical trials for orphan diseases. Research for drug development is advancing rapidly, and arguably one of the most innovating areas of medical statistics today. However, current methods require to study large numbers of patients which are difficult to recruit for rare diseases. Within the Asterix project different strategies will be explored to overcome this difficulty. Your research will aim at advancing statistical and methodological approaches for series of clinical trials (meta-analysis), combining evidence across phases of drug development (e.g., phase II and phase II trials), including historical information in clinical trials (using Bayesian methodology), applying these methods to multiple endpoints instead of one primary endpoint and advising on adaptation of standards of evidence for clinical trials of rare diseases. You will work in a team composed of biostatisticians and clinical researchers, both within the department and within the Asterix consortium. You are expected to advance your research independently. Results will be published in international journals and will lead to a PhD thesis. There is ample opportunity for additional training and participation in (international) conferences.

The maximum monthly salary for Msc graduates for this position is € 2743.00 gross on the basis of full-time employment (working week of 36 hours, 4 years assignment). Starting date is October 1st, 2013.

To apply, and for more information
Please send your application before August 15th, 2013, to Ms. Dr. G.C.M. van Baal, Associate professor, telephone +31 88 75 59394, email g.c.m.vanbaal@umcutrecht.nl
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