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New Barcelona GSE Master in Data Science Forumgrstats
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New Barcelona GSE Master in Data Science Empty New Barcelona GSE Master in Data Science

Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 10:46

We would like to bring to your attention the new Barcelona GSE Master
in Data Science:


The program will begin in September 2014 and is currently open and
accepting applications. Tuition waivers are available
for the best candidates.

The Barcelona Graduate School of Economics is one of the top
institutions worldwide for economic research and graduate education.
The study program has been jointly designed by leading academics and
data scientists from the analytics industry, and it is organized around the
following coordinates:

* Statistics and Machine Learning
* Optimization and Operational Research
* Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics
* Economics, Finance, and Policy Making

Apart from solid training in methods, the MSc program offers a
hands-on practical experience: data based on real
business cases are used throughout the program, cloud computing is an
integral component of the training and students will have the
opportunity to carry out a data science project end-to-end in a firm
as part of their practicum.

Teaching faculty includes Pau Agulló (Managing Director, Kernel
Analytics), Michael Greenacre (UPF), Gabor Lugosi (ICREA-UPF), Omiros
Papaspiliopoulos (ICREA-UPF), Kalyan Talluri (ICREA-UPF).

We are recruiting graduates in economics, statistics,
mathematics, engineering, computer science, or physics, with strong
quantitative and computing skills.

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