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PhD Studentship in Statistical Science, UCL - Supervisor: Petros Dellaportas Forumgrstats

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PhD Studentship in Statistical Science, UCL - Supervisor: Petros Dellaportas Forumgrstats
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PhD Studentship in Statistical Science, UCL - Supervisor: Petros Dellaportas Empty PhD Studentship in Statistical Science, UCL - Supervisor: Petros Dellaportas

Fri 16 Jan 2015 - 18:13
PhD Studentship in Statistical Science, - Ref:1450469

UCL Department / DivisionStatistical Science
Duration of Studentship3 years
Stipend £15,863 per annum plus UK/EU fees

Vacancy Information
Applications are invited for a PhD funding opportunity to conduct research in a branch of probability or statistics based in the UCL Department of Statistical Science, commencing in September 2015.
Studentship Description
The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Professor Petros Dellaportas on a topic aligned with his current research interests: MCMC theory, Bayesian model determination, inference and simulation methods for stochastic differential equations, time series forecasting, financial statistics, sparsity.
Person Specification
The requirement for admission to the MPhil/PhD in Statistical Science is a 1st class or high upper 2nd class Bachelor’s degree, or a Master’s degree with merit or distinction in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, or a related quantitative discipline. Overseas qualifications of an equivalent standard are also acceptable. Further details can be found on the Departmental website.
The studentship will be three years in duration and covers tuition fees at the UK/EU rate plus a stipend of £15,863 per annum (based on the standard UK Research Council rate with London weighting). International students may also apply, but will need to source additional funding to meet the difference in cost between UK/EU and overseas tuition fees. The procedure for determining one’s tuition fee status is outlined on the UCL website.

Expressions of interest (including a CV), should be sent to Professor Dellaportas at the email address below.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the studentship is filled (i.e. the below closing date represents only a final deadline). You are therefore advised to apply as soon as possible.
Contact nameProfessor Petros Dellaportas
Contact details p.dellaportas@ucl.ac.uk
UCL Taking Action for Equality
Closing Date31 Jul 2015
Studentship Start Date28 Sep 2015

Source: https://atsv7.wcn.co.uk/search_engine/jobs.cgi?owner=5041178&ownertype=fair&jcode=1450469
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