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PhD Studentship: Super-resolution ultrasound imaging  - Heriot-Watt University Forumgrstats

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PhD Studentship: Super-resolution ultrasound imaging  - Heriot-Watt University Forumgrstats
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PhD Studentship: Super-resolution ultrasound imaging  - Heriot-Watt University Empty PhD Studentship: Super-resolution ultrasound imaging - Heriot-Watt University

Tue 26 Jan 2016 - 15:26
Super-resolution ultrasound imaging
Vassilis Sboros
Heriot-Watt University

Current ultrasound imaging is limited by diffraction thus provides spatial resolution that is comparable with other medical imaging technologies (like CT and MRI). However, ultrasound is further limited by a variable point spread function (PSF) and thus is not the imaging modality of choice if high quality and quantitative information is required. Nevertheless, it is the most widely used imaging modality in Health Services across the World because it is safe, easy to use and highly cost-effective.
In this 3-year PhD programme we propose a new revolutionary ultrasound imaging approach. Using adaptive sensing methods, first applied in radar, astronomy and optical microscopy, we aim to produce a new ultrasound imaging tool that beats the diffraction limit with resolutions up to 2 orders of magnitude better than current technology. The technique is based on array beamforming methodologies that achieve focus adaptively. The aim is to track microbubble contrast agents in the circulation thus generating images of the vascular network. This project will deploy the strong scatter from single microbubbles as a priori knowledge for implementing adaptive beamforming methods as used in optics, radar and astronomy. The candidate will generate new methods for beamforming inspired by other sensing modalities. Existing simulation software will enable the new methods to be tested in in an ultrasound field. This will inform experiments that will test these algorithms in vitro and finalize a beamforming method. As the work involves the development of new technology the patenting of the results is likely. Good knowledge of the required mathematical tools is expected by the candidate (such as Matrix Rotation, Numerics, Bayesian statistics and others). This due to the highly creative nature of the project, and its potential to lead to a discovery.
The candidate will work with physicists, engineers, life scientists and as part of an international collaborative network. Current work in this field is done in collaboration with the Danish Technological University in Denmark. Desirable student background is sought in signal processing, Matlab programming, array sensing, applied mathematics and statistics. As this is a highly demanding project only excellent students will be considered.

For any further queries or application please contact Vassilis Sboros in V.Sboros@hw.ac.uk

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