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PhD Open Day 2021 - Department of Statistics, LSE  Forumgrstats

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Λέσχη Φίλων Στατιστικής - GrStats forum
PhD Open Day 2021 - Department of Statistics, LSE  Forumgrstats
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PhD Open Day 2021 - Department of Statistics, LSE  Empty PhD Open Day 2021 - Department of Statistics, LSE

Mon 11 Oct 2021 - 8:48
The Department of Statistics of LSE is soliciting participation in the upcoming event PhD Open Day 2021 to be held on Thursday, 14th October 2021 online via Zoom.

This is an opportunity for potential PhD candidates to learn about research undergoing in the department, meet faculty members and students, and find out how to apply for a PhD student position.

The event webpage is available here https://www.lse.ac.uk/Statistics/Prospective-Students/PhD-MPhil/PhD-Open-Day-2021. Students are required to register ahead of the event (via Eventbrite) and send in their CVs to Joey Hoang – j.hoang1@lse.ac.uk.

Thursday 14 October 2021
9.45am - 5.00pm

The Department of Statistics is one of the world's leading centers of quantitative methods in the social sciences and has long been home to some of the world's most famous and innovative statisticians

This Open Day is designed for aspiring PhD Statistics students who are keen to formulate authentic, cutting-edge research in Data Science, Probability in Finance and Insurance, Social Statistics, and Time Series and Statistical Learning. Academics from the Department will offer useful insights through their research talks, followed by one to one sessions and social activities during the day.

You can book sessions to suit your interests. You will also have a chance to book one-to-one sessions with your preferred academic mentors to help identify your specific needs, interests and requirements for your application.
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