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PHD at the Department of Methodology and Statistics, Tilburg University, the Netherlands Forumgrstats

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PHD at the Department of Methodology and Statistics, Tilburg University, the Netherlands Forumgrstats
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PHD at the Department of Methodology and Statistics, Tilburg University, the Netherlands Empty PHD at the Department of Methodology and Statistics, Tilburg University, the Netherlands

Mon 30 Aug 2010 - 15:25
VACANCY at the Department of Methodology and Statistics, Tilburg University, the Netherlands

1 PhD-students
(m/f, full-time 4 years or part-time 5 years)

Title of project
“Comparing rating and ranking procedures for the measurement of values in surveys”
(Vacancy number 400-09-373)

Project description
The study of values lies at the heart of the social sciences. Nonetheless, empirical social researchers have been involved in a long-standing discussion about the proper measurement of human value orientations, which revolves around the use of rating or ranking procedures. This project examines the appropriateness of both approaches in much-needed and novel ways, by: 1) directly considering the effects of response bias, 2) gathering and analysing data based on within-subjects survey experiments, which are from a Dutch nationally representative sample, and 3) making use of recent developments in statistical modelling of response styles and of rating and ranking data.

Applicants can download the complete research proposal at:

The main tasks of the candidate are 1) to develop the rating and ranking measurement instruments of social values that will be used during the data collection for the project 2) to develop the appropriate experimental designs to be used during the data collection for the project 3) to empirically analyse the collected data to answer the project’s research questions. The candidate will report the findings of the study in high-ranking international journals on (survey) methodology, leading to a dissertation. In addition to their research, candidates will follow courses to develop their methodological skills, and they will participate as teaching assistants in the methodology and statistics courses of the department.

We look for graduated students who:
• have completed a (research) master programme in social research (survey) methodology, sociology, social or cross-cultural psychology, with outstanding results;
• have an affinity with attitude/public opinion research and survey methodology;
• have good knowledge of research designs and statistical techniques for the analysis of large-scale survey data, especially of latent structure models. Experience with the analysis of ranking data is beneficial, but not necessary;
• are ambitious, eager to solve problems themselves, can work independently, and have good analytical and English writing skills.

An assignment pertaining to the project’s research questions can be part of the selection procedure.

The PhD position offers a four year full-time contract, or a five year part-time contract (0.8 fte). The salary for a full-time contract ranges between € 2042,- and € 2612,- gross a month (UFO scale PhD student). The starting date of the project is open and will be determined in mutual agreement between the project supervisors and the selected candidate.

Applications and Information
Additional information about Tilburg University and the Department of Methodology and Statistics can be obtained from: j.p.t.m.gelissen@uvt.nl) or dr. Guy Moors (guy.moors@uvt.nl) , Assistant Professors of Methodology & Statistics ( +31 13 466 2974). http://www.tilburguniversity.nl/faculties/fsw/departments/methodology/ . Specific information about the vacancy can be obtained from dr. John Gelissen (

Application letters, including a CV, a letter of motivation for the project, and the abstract of the master-thesis should be send only by email, before 31 August to M. van Ieperen, Managing Director, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg, The Netherlands by the address: pz-fsw@uvt.nl. Please refer to the vacancy number 400-09-373.

Interviews with selected candidates will take place in September 2010, at Tilburg University.

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