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AUEB Stats Seminars 17/5/2023: A statistician working with the media: stories of successes and disasters by Sir David John Spiegelhalter (University of Cambridge, UK) Forumgrstats

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AUEB Stats Seminars 17/5/2023: A statistician working with the media: stories of successes and disasters by Sir David John Spiegelhalter (University of Cambridge, UK) Forumgrstats
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Join date : 2023-03-03

AUEB Stats Seminars 17/5/2023: A statistician working with the media: stories of successes and disasters by Sir David John Spiegelhalter (University of Cambridge, UK) Empty Re: AUEB Stats Seminars 17/5/2023: A statistician working with the media: stories of successes and disasters by Sir David John Spiegelhalter (University of Cambridge, UK)

Tue 23 May 2023 - 11:59
Is there any video on youtube or/and other platform of this seminar?

Posts : 70
Join date : 2022-11-19

AUEB Stats Seminars 17/5/2023: A statistician working with the media: stories of successes and disasters by Sir David John Spiegelhalter (University of Cambridge, UK) Empty AUEB Stats Seminars 17/5/2023: A statistician working with the media: stories of successes and disasters by Sir David John Spiegelhalter (University of Cambridge, UK)

Fri 12 May 2023 - 1:05

Sir David John Spiegelhalter
University of Cambridge, UK

Title: A statistician working with the media: stories of successes and disasters

WEDNESDAY 17/5/2023

Room 802, Postgraduate Studies Building


In 2007 I changed from being a researcher in statistical methodology to trying to improve the public understanding of statistics, which involved making TV programmes, writing (reasonably) popular books, writing articles, and appearing on the media.  I was extremely busy during the Covid pandemic, trying to explain the numbers and subtle statistical ideas, and trying to correct misinformation. I will describe both good, and very bad, experiences of being a ‘performing statistician’.

AUEB Stats Seminars 17/5/2023: A statistician working with the media: stories of successes and disasters by Sir David John Spiegelhalter (University of Cambridge, UK) 1683826926872?e=1686787200&v=beta&t=yg5ZLnvEW1tDEwzSBmYAkw4U95IQOdu9pD8onp2VMUk
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