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Virtual Presentation for the Students of AUEB 6/11/2023: Double M.Sc. Degree in Statistics and Financial Analytics (M.Sc. in Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Stevens Institute of Technology) Forumgrstats

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Λέσχη Φίλων Στατιστικής - GrStats forum
Virtual Presentation for the Students of AUEB 6/11/2023: Double M.Sc. Degree in Statistics and Financial Analytics (M.Sc. in Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Stevens Institute of Technology) Forumgrstats
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Virtual Presentation for the Students of AUEB 6/11/2023: Double M.Sc. Degree in Statistics and Financial Analytics (M.Sc. in Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Stevens Institute of Technology) Empty Virtual Presentation for the Students of AUEB 6/11/2023: Double M.Sc. Degree in Statistics and Financial Analytics (M.Sc. in Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Stevens Institute of Technology)

Thu 26 Oct 2023 - 16:38
Virtual Presentation for the Students of AUEB

Athens University of Economics and Business
Stevens Institute of Technology

Τίτλος: Double M.Sc. Degree in Statistics and Financial Analytics

📅 6 Noεμβρίου 2023
🕚 18.00 (Ώρα Ελλάδας)
💻 Microsoft Teams Meeting - Link: tinyurl.com/mrupb4rh


Το M.Sc. in Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business προβαίνει σε διαδικτυακή παρουσίαση του “Double M.Sc. Degree in Statistics and Financial Analytics” (Athens University of Economics and Business – Stevens Institute of Technology).

H παρουσίαση αφορά, κυρίως, τους Μεταπτυχιακούς Φοιτητές του M.Sc. in Statistics, αλλά προσκαλούμε και πιθανούς μελλοντικούς Φοιτητές του Προγράμματος, που επιθυμούν να ενημερωθούν για το σύγχρονο, αυτό, πρωτοποριακό, “Double Degree” – ένα από τα λίγα στο είδος του!

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Virtual Presentation for the Students of AUEB 6/11/2023: Double M.Sc. Degree in Statistics and Financial Analytics (M.Sc. in Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Stevens Institute of Technology) 1698322441216?e=1701302400&v=beta&t=nW4ZU25jiJmW8vYJA2Dq50ESpmv4rY4DnZsFW--65Ck
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