- GRStats2
- Posts : 92
Join date : 2022-11-19
AUEB-Stats Seminars 16/10/2024: "Bayesian Signature Authenticity Validation", by Ioannis Ntzoufras (Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business)
Wed 16 Oct 2024 - 18:31
Happening now!
Prof. Ioannis Ntzoufras from the Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business is giving the following Seminar (joint work with Lampis Tzai, Silvia Bozza and Franco Taroni):
Bayesian Signature Authenticity Validation
When: 16 October, 4.30 pm
Where: Aula Magna Via Economo 12/3, Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geo-Sciences.
MS Teams link:
Prof. Ioannis Ntzoufras from the Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business is giving the following Seminar (joint work with Lampis Tzai, Silvia Bozza and Franco Taroni):
Bayesian Signature Authenticity Validation
When: 16 October, 4.30 pm
Where: Aula Magna Via Economo 12/3, Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geo-Sciences.
MS Teams link:
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