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(20100825) Second edition of the Greek Stochastics Meeting, Lefkada - Greece Forumgrstats

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(20100825) Second edition of the Greek Stochastics Meeting, Lefkada - Greece Forumgrstats
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(20100825) Second edition of the Greek Stochastics Meeting, Lefkada - Greece Empty (20100825) Second edition of the Greek Stochastics Meeting, Lefkada - Greece

Wed 24 Feb 2010 - 9:41
We would like to bring to your attention the second edition of the Greek
Stochastics Meeting which will take place in Lefkada, Greece, during
25-28 of August 2010. The meeting is addressed to young researchers (up
to 30 years old or with 2 to 8 years of research experience) and is
aimed at discussing current research themes related to methodology and
applications in probability and statistics.

The program consists of contributed presentations on the above described
themes, 3 invited lectures on the theme "Statistics and Probability in
Biology" and an invited talk of general interest.

The invited lectures will be given by

* Chris Holmes (University of Oxford) on "Bayesian methods in modern
genetic epidemiology"

* Dario Spano (University of Warwick) on "Exchangeable models in
Population Genetics"

* Nikos Demiris (Agricultural University of Athens) on "Epidemics:
Stochastic Modelling and Statistical Inference"

and the invited talk of general interest will be given by

* Stavros Katsanevas on "Current thinking in astroparticle physics and

Important dates:

* Submission of abstracts for contributed presentation: April 30, 2010
* Decision of acceptance of submitted abstracts: May 14, 2010
* Registration: June 11, 2010

For more details please visit the website of the meeting:

Organising/Scientific committee:
Alex Beskos (UCL)
Petros Dellaportas (AUEB)
Nikos Demiris (Athens)
Eleni Giannoulatou (Oxford)
Kostas Kalogeropoulos (LSE)
Yiannis Kontoyiannis (AUEB)
Theo Kypraios (Nottingham)
Omiros Papaspiliopoulos (UPF)
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