- GRStats2
- Posts : 57
Join date : 2022-11-19
Polychronis Economou
(Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Patras, School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering)
Title: Leveraging Convex Hulls for Advanced Statistical Monitoring
Friday, 22/3/2024
Room: Troias Amphitheater
Statistical monitoring is crucial in various domains like biosurveillance, data stream analysis, and manufacturing. This study introduces two novel monitoring procedures by integrating convex hulls with control charting techniques. The first technique focuses on monitoring simultaneously the number and the spatial distribution of events οn a plane under the assumption of a homogeneous Poisson process. Meanwhile, the second procedure introduces a non-parametric monitoring process that aims to detect changes in multivariate data streams. These procedures underscore the significance of geometric-centric monitoring techniques in tackling various challenges across different fields.
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- AUEB-Stats Seminars 14/3/2024: Leveraging big data to study causal mechanisms in complex diseases by Ioanna Tzoulaki (Research Professor Biomedical Research Institution| Academy of Athens & Prof. of Chronic Disease Epidemiology Schools of Public Health)
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