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(20100824) Workshop on Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS August 2010, Athens - Greece Forumgrstats

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(20100824) Workshop on Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS August 2010, Athens - Greece Forumgrstats
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(20100824) Workshop on Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS August 2010, Athens - Greece Empty (20100824) Workshop on Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS August 2010, Athens - Greece

Mon 19 Apr 2010 - 13:56
Workshop on Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS

Dates: 24-25 August 2010. Duration: 2 days (accommodation for 3 nights is recommended).
Organized by: Athens University of Economics and Business, National Technical University of Athens and University of California, Santa Cruz.
Location: Athens, Greece.
Venue: Parthenon Hotel (http://www.airotel.gr/index.asp?a_id=177).
Registration Fee: 150 Euros (for students), 250 Euros (for academics), 350 Euros (for professionals).

Prof. David Draper, University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dr. Dimitris Fouskakis, National Technical University of Athens.
Dr. Ioannis Ntzoufras, Athens University of Economics and Business.
Dr. Panayiotis Tsiamyrtzis, Athens University of Economics and Business.

This course is suitable for:

1) MSc. students in Statistics (and related fields),
2) academics, researchers and Ph.D. students in Statistics (and related fields) or any other scientific areas (such as medicine, biology, genetics, actuarial science),
3) professionals, data analysts and non-academic quantitative scientists,

who wish to introduce themselves in Bayesian statistics and WinBUGS software for several reasons such as teaching, research, data analysis of complex data, validation or comparison of their results etc.

Short Programme
Arrival and Check-in

Introduction to Bayesian Statistics (P. Tsiamyrtzis, 2hrs)
Introduction to MCMC (D. Fouskakis, 2hrs)
Introduction to WinBugs (D. Fouskakis, 3hrs)

Normal, GLMs and Advanced Models in WinBUGS (I. Ntzoufras, 4hrs)
Hierarchical Modeling (D. Draper, 3hrs)

Please note that the workshop venue is under Athens Acropolis and therefore it is an excellent opportunity to combine the workshop with long walks around the area of Acropolis, Thision and Monastiraki.

More details and registration is available at http://www.math.ntua.gr/~fouskakis/Workshop/home.html .

Best Regards

Ioannis Ntzoufras
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