Λέσχη Φίλων Στατιστικής - GrStats forum
Associate senior lecturer in Statistics at the Department of Statistics, Uppsala University. Forumgrstats

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Λέσχη Φίλων Στατιστικής - GrStats forum
Associate senior lecturer in Statistics at the Department of Statistics, Uppsala University. Forumgrstats
Λέσχη Φίλων Στατιστικής - GrStats forum
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Associate senior lecturer in Statistics at the Department of Statistics, Uppsala University. Empty Associate senior lecturer in Statistics at the Department of Statistics, Uppsala University.

Fri 22 Feb 2013 - 12:04
Associate senior lecturer in Statistics at the Department of Statistics, Uppsala University.
Application no later than 2013-04-02. UFV-PA 2013/159

The Department of Statistics has a long tradition in research on multivariate and factor analysis. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a form of multivariate analysis that was developed by K. G. Jöreskog (professor emeritus in the department) in the early 1970s. The research has since then been carried out under his surveillance. The Department of Statistics now has one senior researcher in this research area. The Vice-Chancellor and the Faculty of Social Science at Uppsala University have decided to support a position as an associate senior lecturer within the area.

Duties: The position includes teaching, examination, research and administration. Teaching duties include course coordination, course administration and supervision. Also participation in the internationalisation process of education at the first- and second cycle can be included. Moreover, consultancy duties, mainly towards the social sciences, may also be required.

The time for teaching is expected to correspond to 40 per cent, supervision of doctoral students not included. The remaining time is meant for research and supervision and is expected to contribute to the Department's efforts to develop research and teaching within the field of Structural Equation Modelling.

Period of employment: The position as an associate senior lecturer can be possessed for four years with a possibility to promotion to senior lecturer.

Eligibility: To be eligible for appointment as an associate senior lecturer, the applicant must hold a doctoral degree or possess the equivalent research expertise and fulfil the requirements for teaching expertise. Priority should be given to applicants who have obtained their doctoral degree or achieved equivalent competence at the most seven years prior to the end of the application period.

A general eligibility requirement is that the applicant must have the personal characteristics required to perform the duties of the post well.

To be eligible an applicant must have a documented ability to teach in Swedish or English.

Assessment: At selection of eligible applicants weight will be primary attached on research- and teaching expertise, at which special weight will be put on the research expertise.

Research expertise: In assessing research expertise research quality will be the prime consideration. The scope of research, primarily in regard to depth and breadth, will also be afforded consideration. Furthermore consideration will be given to the capacity to interact with others both within academia and in the wider community. Particular importance will be given to research within Structural Equation Modelling.

Teaching expertise: Teaching expertise will be assessed as carefully as research expertise. Teaching expertise comprises educational and teaching qualifications and should be well documented so that the quality can be assessed. In assessing teaching expertise teaching quality will be the prime consideration. The scope of teaching experience, in terms of both breadth and depth, will also be afforded consideration.

Assessment, other skills: Administrative and management skills are important for this position and will be afforded weight.

Administrative expertise is demonstrated, for example, through the capacity to plan, organize, and prioritize work in an efficient and task-related manner as well as through the ability to assign and observe time frames.

When the University appoints new teachers those applicants must be selected who, following a qualitative holistic assessment of their competence and expertise, are judged to have the best potential to carry out and develop the relevant duties and to help advance operations.

The candidate displaying the greatest skills after an overall assessment will be given precedence, taking into account the period of time over which the qualifications were accumulated.

Personal circumstances that may be of relevance in merit evaluation, for example parental leave, should be mentioned in the list of qualifications (CV).

How to apply: Complete application written in English and documents referred to, should be submitted in threecopiesin paper. Instructions for how to make the application is found on the faculty´s website:

The Recruitment Committee may in this recruitment come to use interviews, trial lectures and referees. The applicant should therefore turn in a list of referees with insight into the applicant's professional skill as well as personal qualities that may be of relevance for the position, e.g. ability to cooperate, ability to lead and working methods.

Additional information: For additional information, please contact the Head of Department, Johan Lyhagen, phone: +46 18 4712844, e-mail Johan.Lyhagen@statistics.uu.se. The trade union representatives are Anders Grundström, Saco-rådet, phone + 46 18 471 53 80, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST phone +46 18 471 19 96, and Stefan Djurström, Seko, phone +46 18 471 33 15.

Applications should be received no later than 2nd of April, 2013. Please mark the application UFV-PA 2013/159. Address: Uppsala University, Box 256, 751 05 Uppsala or e-mail: registrator@uu.se, fax: +46 18 471 20 00. Applications sent by fax or e-mail should be in the form of a short application message. This should be followed by a signed original with all documents referred to in three copies in paper form no later than one week after the application deadline.

Uppsala University's appointment regulations
Complementary guidelines for the University´s Appointment Regulations
The faculty´s instructions to applicants <http://www.samfak.uu.se/digitalAssets/129/129162_instructions_senior_lecturer.pdf%20>

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