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Postdoc position and a PhD position at University Bochum, Germany  Forumgrstats

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Λέσχη Φίλων Στατιστικής - GrStats forum
Postdoc position and a PhD position at University Bochum, Germany  Forumgrstats
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Postdoc position and a PhD position at University Bochum, Germany  Empty Postdoc position and a PhD position at University Bochum, Germany

Mon 11 Jul 2011 - 9:58
The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University Bochum, Germany invites applicants for a

Postdoc position and a PhD position

starting on or after September 1, 2011.

The applicants are expected to work on the probability theory of interacting stochastic models relevant to mathematical physics or mathematical biology.

The positions are partially supported by the Sonderforschungsbereich (Corraborative Research Center) SFB/TR 12 Symmetries and Universality in Mesoscopic Systems which brings together mathematical physicists, stochasticians, and theoretical physicists.

Send an electronic application or contact for questions Christof.Kuelske@rub.de

Prof. Dr. Christof Kuelske

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