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Market research work in Greece Forumgrstats
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Market research work in Greece Empty Market research work in Greece

Sun 13 May 2012 - 16:13

Μου έστειλαν το ακόλουθο e-mail. Βασικά ψάχνουν για κάποιον με εμπειρία σε Market Research. Όποιος ενδιαφέρεται ας στείλει ένα email.

I am contacting you regarding the list of Greek statisticians that I found on http://stat-athens.aueb.gr/~grstats/AB.htm

I am looking for a freelancer to carry out some market research work in Greece on the dairy and beverages market. It is a one-off project, but there could be more work in the future if the project goes well. Quantitative and qualitative mix.

The person has to be located in Greece, and able to carry out interviews with dairy, packaging and beverage companies, analyse figures and data gathered, and write a short report on their findings.

Do you have a way of communicating this to your group? I feel sure that there must be someone that is interested in working for an international company but based in Greece, even if it is just for one contract first of all. From the list, I cannot tell who is employed and who is not, and cannot be sure where the people are located.

All I would need is for people to send me a CV and a covering letter detailing any experience that might be relevant to Canadean Ltd.

I hope we can help each other!

Best regards,

Andrea Jenn

Research Resourcing Manager

Canadean Limited
T +44 (0)1256 394258
F +44 (0)1256 394201
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