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Research Associate/Senior Research Associate in Epidemiology and Statistics Forumgrstats

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Λέσχη Φίλων Στατιστικής - GrStats forum
Research Associate/Senior Research Associate in Epidemiology and Statistics Forumgrstats
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Research Associate/Senior Research Associate in Epidemiology and Statistics Empty Research Associate/Senior Research Associate in Epidemiology and Statistics

Tue 11 Feb 2014 - 17:18
Research Associate/Senior Research Associate in Epidemiology and Statistics

(Up to three new posts)

We are expanding our team of epidemiologists and statisticians and therefore looking for enthusiastic individuals with background in epidemiology, medical statistics or related disciplines to work on a range of projects.
The applicants will be involved with specific projects and work within project teams along with other statisticians, epidemiologists, clinicians and health economists.

Examples of projects and topics that applicants may work on include:

Physical health in people with mental illnesses
Linkage of primary and secondary care electronic health records (THIN, CPRD and HES),
Evaluation of epidemiological and statistical methods/concepts
Missing data
Risk prediction
Effects of treatment – how do we bridge from randomised controlled trials to the real world
Drugs prescribed in pregnancy
Design and analysis of randomised clinical trials and other large population studies

Funding is available for up to three new posts. One of these may be at the Senior Research Associate level, depending on the skills and experience of the applicant. Successful applicants are expected to have strong quantitative skills and a good understanding of epidemiological and/or medical statistic concepts. However, we seek applications from individuals with different experience, knowledge and skills that may complement each other. For appointment at the Senior Research Associate level candidates are expected to have a strong research background evidenced by peer reviewed publications and research funding from external funding bodies.

The posts are available for 36 months and based at the Research Department of Primary Care and Population Health on the Royal Free campus, (London Hampstead). The department holds a full licence to The Health Improvement Network (THIN), which is a large primary care database with data from more than 11 million patients in UK (For further information about our work on THIN and publications please see http://www.ucl.ac.uk/pcph/research-groups-themes/thin-pub/). The post-holders will also be involved with PRIMENT Clinical Trial Unit (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/priment) and work with junior and senior colleagues from the Department of Mental Health Sciences.

Successful candidates may have opportunities to work with senior colleagues to develop own research ideas and will be encouraged to write work up for publication. There will be some teaching opportunities and senior applicants will also have opportunities to supervise PhD students and junior research staff.

Informal enquiries should be made to: Dr Irene Petersen i.petersen@ucl.ac.uk and Professor Irwin Nazareth: i.nazareth@ucl.ac.uk.


Applications should be completed on line http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/jobs/, however if you are having difficulty accessing the on-line recruitment system please contact Corinne Ward c.ward@ucl.ac.uk for advice.

Closing date: 16th March 2014

Interview date: 31st March 2014

Please also see http://www.ucl.ac.uk/pcph/research-groups-themes/thin-pub for further information and full job description.


Irene Petersen, PhD


Department of Primary Care and Population Health

Rowland Hill St

London NW£ 2PF

Phone 020 7794 0500 extn. 34395

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