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Ερευνητική θέση στη Βιοστατιστική/ Research associate in Biostatistics Forumgrstats

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Ερευνητική θέση στη Βιοστατιστική/ Research associate in Biostatistics Forumgrstats
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Dimitris Mavridis
Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-12-26
Location : Ιωάννινα

Ερευνητική θέση στη Βιοστατιστική/ Research associate in Biostatistics Empty Ερευνητική θέση στη Βιοστατιστική/ Research associate in Biostatistics

Fri 7 Mar 2014 - 17:19
University of Ioannina School of Medicine, Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology

The Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology is inviting applications for
a) a postdoctoral research fellow post in Biostatistics
b) a PhD student in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Qualifications: Applicants should have strong quantitative skills. They should have postgraduate qualification in statistics, mathematics, physics, computer science or, alternatively, qualification in a health-related discipline with a strong quantitative component and very good statistical and computational skills. They should also have excellent written and verbal communication skills in English. Programming experience and a Masters in Biostatistics, Epidemiology or equivalent are required. After the training period, the post holder is expected to start developing and applying statistical models to complex clinical problems. Previous experience with meta-analysis and systematic reviews is desirable but not essential.
Setting: The post is embedded in a research project funded by a European Research Council grant. Please visit www.mtm.uoi for more information about the scientific objectives and the research team.  The grant also provides funding for training (courses and workshops) and participation to international and national conferences.  Successful applicants will have the opportunity to gain vast experience on challenging and exciting projects and collaborate with leading international researchers.
Project outline: The research posts entail epidemiological and statistical research in the field of systematic reviews and meta-analysis, the quantitative synthesis of results from clinical trials or molecular experiments. The focus is on the statistical aspects of network meta-analysis and the methodological aspects of systematic reviews addressing multiple interventions.
Applications should include a CV, contact details for two academic or professional referees and a cover letter with a personal statement (about half a page) describing your suitability and motivation.
For informal enquiries and applications please contact dmavridi@cc.uoi.gr
Post Duration: starting immediately, until October 2015 with possibility of extension
Salary:  15000 -20000 Euros per annum (depending on qualifications and experience).
Closing date: 30 April 2014
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