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PhD Scholarships in Economics and Statistics @ University of Bicocca at Milano Forumgrstats
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PhD Scholarships in Economics and Statistics @ University of Bicocca at Milano Empty PhD Scholarships in Economics and Statistics @ University of Bicocca at Milano

Fri 18 May 2018 - 23:30
PhD Scholarships in Economics and Statistics @ University of Bicocca at Milano Downlo11

The Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS) of the University of Milan-Bicocca invites applications to its PhD Program in Economics and Statistics (ECOSTAT) for the academic year 2018-19. The PhD Program is articulated in two curricula, Economics (ECO) and Statistics (STAT). The length of the PhD Program is four years, starting in November 2018. The precise starting date of the Program will be announced in due course.

We offer at least eight fellowships (for a period of four years) to the highest ranked applicants. Each  fellowship pays a grant of a minimum of € 16.200 (gross income) per year. The monthly allowance can be increased up to 50% for our PhD students visiting academic or scientific institutions abroad. The number of scholarships may increase if sponsorships on specific research projects become available. There will also be allowances (research funds) for short-period mobility (from the second year).

Additional scholarships and positions are also available. In particular, one additional scholarship is offered to excellent candidates willing enter the PhD program in order to develop a dissertation project focused on European studies. Moreover, two additional “advanced apprenticeship” positions (dottorato in alto apprendistato) are open to brilliant candidates willing to enter the PhD program and, at the same time, be part-time employed at a primary multinational company in order to develop a dissertation on focused on advanced analytics, machine learning, customer intelligence and forecasting.

The selection procedure is regulated by the official Call for Applications (Bando di Concorso), which is expected to be published in the Italian Official Journal (Gazzetta Ufficiale) after the acknowledgment issued by Italian Governmental agencies, at the beginning of May 2018, and also posted on the PhD School’s and on the PhD program’s websites. The official Call for Applications contains detailed information on: i) the documents which each candidate has to submit; ii) structure, contents and timing (within the period early July 2018 - late September 2018) of the entrance examination; iii) description of the projects related to the additional scholarships and positions.

The link to the official Call for Applications is here.

Details are available here https://www.unimib.it/unimib-international/phd/phd-programmes/economics-and-statistics-ecostat

Deadline 7 June 2018
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