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PhD Course  in  Statistics @ University of Padova  Forumgrstats

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PhD Course  in  Statistics @ University of Padova  Forumgrstats
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PhD Course  in  Statistics @ University of Padova  Empty PhD Course  in  Statistics @ University of Padova

Thu 14 Jun 2018 - 18:11
University of Padua, Italy
Department of Statistical Sciences

The Ph D Co u r s e  in  St a t i s t i c s  aims at training specialists in the fields of data management and analysis. The programme leads to a wide range of career opportunities, both at the academic level and in other highly qualified  research institutions.

Areas of research:
▪️ Statistical methodology and its applications
▪️ Statistical methods and applications in Economics
▪️ Social Statistics and Demography

Programme (three years):
▪️ First year
Core Courses in
- Functional Analysis
- Probability Theory
- Theory of Statistical Inference
- Statistical Models
and Specialized Courses on various topics.
▪️ Second and third year
Research activities for the PhD thesis with possibility of study abroad.

Full information at http://phd.stat.unipd.it www.unipd.it/en/research/doctoral-

Ad mi s s i o n
Admission to the PhD Course is by competition which is open to people of all ages and citizenship who already have a four or five years university degree issued by an Italian or foreign university and recognized by the academic authorities, or by interuniversity agreements of cooperation and mobility.

Ap p l i c a t i o n
Competitions are held annually, with details being published within the summer. Courses start the following October. Applications  are  to  be  made  within  30 days of the publication of the competition announcement.  Please,  follow  carefully the instructions given at www.stat.unipd.it/ricerca/ammissione

Ad mi s s i o n
Admission is decided on the basis of qualifications only.

Sc h o l a r s h i p s
Available positions are supported by scolarships from the University of Padua or from other institutions. The annual scholarship amounts to around 16,000 euros. For periods of study abroad (up to
18 months) the scholarship value is increased by 50%. The Course provides extra research funds in the second and third year.

Head of Department
Tommaso Di Fonzo

Course  Coordinator
Nicola Sartori

http://phd.stat.unipd.it phd@stat.unipd.it

PhD Course in Statistics

Partner Departments
▪️ Department of Environmental Sciences, Computer Science and Statistics, University Ca' Foscari of Venice
▪️ Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Udine
▪️ Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics “B. de Finetti”, University of Trieste

PhD Course  in  Statistics @ University of Padova  Padova11
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