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AUEB Webinar: Statistics for Health Economic Evaluation: Introduction & Opportunities by Andreas Karabis Forumgrstats

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AUEB Webinar: Statistics for Health Economic Evaluation: Introduction & Opportunities by Andreas Karabis Forumgrstats
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AUEB Webinar: Statistics for Health Economic Evaluation: Introduction & Opportunities by Andreas Karabis Empty AUEB Webinar: Statistics for Health Economic Evaluation: Introduction & Opportunities by Andreas Karabis

Thu 21 May 2020 - 16:47

AUEB Webinar: Statistics for Health Economic Evaluation: Introduction & Opportunities by Andreas Karabis Iqvia10

Statistics for Health Economic Evaluation: Introduction & Opportunities

Andreas Karabis, PhD,
Sr. Principal, Head of EMEA Delivery Hub
Real World Services,

Η παρουσίαση έχει ως κύριο σκοπό την ενημέρωση των μεταπτυχιακών και των απόφοιτων του Τμήματος Στατιστικής του ΟΠΑ στην IQVIA στον τομέα της meta-analysis και τα Οικονομικά της Υγείας με αφορμή το νέο Analytics Group της εταιρείας που ανοίγει στην Αθήνα

In this webinar we will briefly outline some of the basic concepts of Health Economics, focused on topics of interest for statisticians, including health economic models and (network) meta-analysis. In the second part of the presentation we will discuss career opportunities for statisticians in this area. The event will be presented by Dr. Andreas Karabis (Sr. Principal, Head of EMEA Delivery Hub, IQVIA). Focus will be given in the research opportunities for Statisticians at the new Analytics department of IQVIA at Athens, Greece.
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