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36 fully funded PhD studentships in statistics, applied mathematics and machine learning in Ireland Forumgrstats

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36 fully funded PhD studentships in statistics, applied mathematics and machine learning in Ireland Forumgrstats
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36 fully funded PhD studentships in statistics, applied mathematics and machine learning in Ireland Empty 36 fully funded PhD studentships in statistics, applied mathematics and machine learning in Ireland

Mon 11 Jan 2021 - 11:32

Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science: 36 PhD studentships available.


The Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Centre for Research Training (CRT) is pleased to announce 36 fully funded PhD studentships (September 2021 start) available across the University of Limerick (UL), University College Dublin (UCD) and Maynooth University (MU), Ireland. This €20million centre is funded by SFI, Skillnet Ireland, Industry and Enterprise partners, as well as the three co-hosting universities UL, UCD and MU.

This large-scale, collaborative initiative will train a cohort of PhD students with world-class foundational training in the themes of applied mathematics, statistics and machine learning. These themes will be fused together by applying them to real-world challenges in areas including data analytics, privacy and security, smart manufacturing, networks, and health and wellbeing. Students will engage extensively with industry partners, and will spend time in industry developing cognisance of industry needs through working on industrial projects. Academic placements in internationally renowned collaborating institutions will also be available and students will benefit from exposure to Ireland’s world-class research universities.
Programme structure: In year 1 students will undertake cohort-building tailored training in the underpinning themes of applied mathematics, statistics and machine learning, and in transversal skills, entrepreneurship and impact. Students will engage in group and individual research projects and will spend 10-12 weeks in industry at the end of year 1. In years 2 to 4 students will transition to full-time research, and attend regular cohort training events. International academic placements or secondary industry placements will take place in year 3.

Funding: Studentships provide four years of tuition fees, a tax-free stipend of €18500 per year, and a general allowance for research and training related activities. Applications:
We are currently recruiting for the September 2021 intake of 36 PhD students through our application portal at https://www.data-science.ie/jobs/application-portal/

Consideration of applications will begin on February 5th 2021.
Applications from international students and from under-represented groups are strongly encouraged.

To find out more about the programme structure, research areas, entry requirements and how to apply, please visit www.data-science.ie or on Twitter follow @data_science_ie
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