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Two PhD positions in forensic probability and statistics Forumgrstats

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Λέσχη Φίλων Στατιστικής - GrStats forum
Two PhD positions in forensic probability and statistics Forumgrstats
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Two PhD positions in forensic probability and statistics Empty Two PhD positions in forensic probability and statistics

Thu 17 Nov 2011 - 9:52
At this moment, we announce two AIO-positions in forensic probability and statistics at the VU and the UvA.

The first projects is a collaboration between VU University and the NFI (Netherlands Forensic Institute), and deals with familial searching in DNA databases. This project is supervised by Ronald Meester (VU) and Klaas Slooten (NFI).

The second project is a collaboration between the UvA, VU University and the NFI, and deals with combining evidence in legal casework. This project is supervised by Marjan Sjerps (UvA, NFI) and Ronald Meester (VU).

Please contact Ronald Meester (rmeester@few.vu.nl) for further information or if you happen to know a suitable candidate.

Ronald Meester

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