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PhD Students in Demography @ INED FRANCE Forumgrstats
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PhD Students in Demography @ INED FRANCE Empty PhD Students in Demography @ INED FRANCE

Thu 3 Mar 2016 - 23:16
Dear colleagues,

We are launching our 2016 call for applications aimed at future doctoral students working on population questions.

This year, INED and iPOPs Labex are offering 6 doctoral contracts for a period of 3 years. The selected Phd students will be hosted at INED (Paris, France) and conduct their research at one of INED’s research units.

The call is open until 12 May, at midday (12:00 pm, Paris time). We recommend to finalise the application at least two business days before the deadline.

Conditions of eligibility:
- Applicants must hold (or complete during the current academic year 2015-2016) a Master’s degree (M2) or equivalent in a discipline related to the population sciences and qualifying them for admission to a PhD programme in a French or foreign university.

- Applicants must be enrolled (first enrolment) in a doctoral programme in a French or foreign university for the academic year 2016-2017.

- Appli cants must have the backing of at least 2 mentors, including their thesis supervisor(s). At least one mentor must be an INED researcher .

There are no criteria in terms of age or nationality.

Full information is available at:


We will be happy to provide you with any further information you may require.

Best regards,

Doctoral and post-doctoral affairs coordination
Institut national d’études démographiques
133, boulevard Davout
75980 Paris cedex 20
Contact: info-doctorants@ined.fr
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