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PhD students in statistics at Linaeus University (Sweeden) Forumgrstats

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Λέσχη Φίλων Στατιστικής - GrStats forum
PhD students in statistics at Linaeus University (Sweeden) Forumgrstats
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PhD students in statistics at Linaeus University (Sweeden) Empty PhD students in statistics at Linaeus University (Sweeden)

Tue 12 Apr 2016 - 17:49

1) PhD students in statistics

Reference number: 2016/1728-2.2.1

Apply to the Department of Economics and Statistics


The Department of Economics and Statistics is part of the School of Economics and is responsible for the statistics subject area and offers a PhD education in statistics…


Minimum 2 Theseis:

2) PhD students in economics Vaxjo

Reference number: 2016/1300-2.2.1


At the Department of Economics and Statistics


The Department of Economics and Statistics is part of the School of Economics and is responsible for the economics subject area and offers a PhD education in economics. The PhD program follows a standard well-established structure that is common in Europe and North America. The program consists of 4 years of full time study where at least one year is entirely devoted to course work.

Minimum 3 Theseis


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