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PhD Position at BSRC Alexander Fleming in Athens Forumgrstats
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PhD Position at BSRC Alexander Fleming in Athens Empty PhD Position at BSRC Alexander Fleming in Athens

Fri 30 Jul 2021 - 1:24

The Dimas Lab is recruiting researchers at all levels (postdoctoral fellow, PhD student, staff scientist) to join our team at BSRC Alexander Fleming in Athens, Greece, to work on ERC-funded research in regulatory genomics and disease genetics. The group’s research is highly interdisciplinary and covers human genomics, systems biology, statistical genetics, bioinformatics, and molecular biology.

Our group’s main project addresses the molecular impact of dietary intake in humans through comparison of molecular and functional effects in two groups of individuals with distinct dietary regimes (www.fastbio.gr in Greek). Molecular effects are explored in the context of embedded genetic variation, through a comprehensive set of omics assays, including transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics and investigation of the gut microbiome. Functional consequences are interrogated at the cellular level through primary cell culture. We are uncovering striking molecular differences across dietary groups and across sampling timepoints. We are seeking highly motivated individuals to join our group and take part in analysis of genotype, RNA-Seq, EPIC methylation array, Olink proteomics, and 16S rRNA-Seq data in order to: a) uncover signatures linked to the nutritional environment, b) explore how dietary intake affects molecular pathways linked to disease susceptibility, and c) interrogate whether diet can be used in combination with therapeutic agents to maximise their effect.

Postdoc: The ideal candidate will have a PhD in a quantitative discipline such as Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Statistical Genetics, Biostatistics and related fields. She/he will have experience in in analysing large-scale, biological datasets using R, python, perl etc.

PhD student: The ideal candidate will have a degree in Computer Science, Statistics, Computational Biology, or in Biological Sciences, but with strong computational skills. Candidates who also hold an MSc in one of the above fields will be preferred.

Staff scientist: The ideal candidate will have a degree in Computer Science or a related field, and experience in processing and management of large-scale (preferably biological) datasets.

Requests for more information and expression of interest should be sent to Dr Antigone Dimas dimas@fleming.gr. Candidates should email a cover letter outlining their interests and areas of expertise (1 page max), together with their CV (indicate position code: 202107_EoI_AD). For more information, candidates may call +30 210 9656310 (ext 143).

Deadline: 20 September 2021

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